Project Detail
Project: St Juan South Unit 01
Equipment: Mag Flow Transmitters
Date: October 2009
Vendor Location: Mag Flow Transmitters Fabricator in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Review on CMTRs per ITP GP-15-06 Item 3.5.
Item Inspected: All material ítems being used on fabrication of Mag Flow Transmitters.
Findings: As per CMTRs Review, Flange and Filler Metal ítems as purchased by Vendor, reflecting on Material Manufacturers no included in Approved MWIV-15-07-Manufacturer Source List-Rev 7.
Re-Inspection: Per Customer Disposition, Referenced Flange and Filler Metal ítems have been rejected and segregated. Vendor has addressed properly purchasing again all Flange and Filler Metal ítems in Compliance to Referenced Project Requirements.
Benefits to Our Customer: By using Fraza Inspection Team, Customer saved a lot of of time and money preventing excessive expenses per back charges for Reworks at field site per unacceptable issues on Not Acceptable Material Items, if Not Corrected/Repaired in timely manner at Vendor Shop.
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Project #1
Project Detail
Project: St Juan South Unit 01
Equipment: Mag Flow Transmitters
Date: October 2009
Vendor Location: Mag Flow Transmitters Fabricator in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Item #1
Review on CMTRs per ITP GP-15-06 Item 3.5.
Item Inspected: All material ítems being used on fabrication of Mag Flow Transmitters.
Findings: As per CMTRs Review, Flange and Filler Metal ítems as purchased by Vendor, reflecting on Material Manufacturers no included in Approved MWIV-15-07-Manufacturer Source List-Rev 7.
Re-Inspection: Per Customer Disposition, Referenced Flange and Filler Metal ítems have been rejected and segregated. Vendor has addressed properly purchasing again all Flange and Filler Metal ítems in Compliance to Referenced Project Requirements.
Benefits to Our Customer: By using Fraza Inspection Team, Customer saved a lot of of time and money preventing excessive expenses per back charges for Reworks at field site per unacceptable issues on Not Acceptable Material Items, if Not Corrected/Repaired in timely manner at Vendor Shop.