Project Detail
Project: 874532
Equipments: Fuel Gas Skid Assembly
Date: February 2014 to March 2014
Vendor Location: Fabricator of Fuel Gas Skid Assemblies in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Visual Inspection on welds per ITP-874532 Rev 1 Item 014 and Drawing 874532-LZ-03 Rev 1.
Item Inspected: Skid Frame.
Findings: Specified fillet weld size, 1/4”, actual fillet size as measured, several locations with undersized fillet weld of 3/16” and less, Not Acceptable per Referenced Drawing.
Re-Inspection: Vendor has completed on needed repairs to achieve the specified fillet weld size. See Photo showing on described Issue.
Benefits to Our Customer: By using Fraza Inspection Team, Customer saved a lot of of time and money preventing excessive expenses per back charges for Re-works at field site per unacceptable issues on welding if Not Corrected/Repaired in timely manner at Vendor Shop.
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Project #1
Project Detail
Project: 874532
Equipments: Fuel Gas Skid Assembly
Date: February 2014 to March 2014
Vendor Location: Fabricator of Fuel Gas Skid Assemblies in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Item #1
Visual Inspection on welds per ITP-874532 Rev 1 Item 014 and Drawing 874532-LZ-03 Rev 1.
Item Inspected: Skid Frame.
Findings: Specified fillet weld size, 1/4”, actual fillet size as measured, several locations with undersized fillet weld of 3/16” and less, Not Acceptable per Referenced Drawing.
Re-Inspection: Vendor has completed on needed repairs to achieve the specified fillet weld size. See Photo showing on described Issue.
Benefits to Our Customer: By using Fraza Inspection Team, Customer saved a lot of of time and money preventing excessive expenses per back charges for Re-works at field site per unacceptable issues on welding if Not Corrected/Repaired in timely manner at Vendor Shop.